Mission, Values and Objectives

What is Puelo Patagonia?

Puelo Patagonia is a private, non-profit corporation that works with its own conviction and independence to contribute to the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage and the landscape of the Cochamó commune.promoting responsible and integral development for their communities.

Our Mission

Our mission is to conserve the natural and cultural heritage and landscape of the Cochamó commune, favoring a responsible and integral development for its community.

What motivates us?

Our Values

Transparency in our work

Well-being of the inhabitants of Cochamó

Harmonious relationship between nature and man

Conservation of nature and culture

How do we do it?

Conservation program

We promote conservation programs that increase the standards of land protection in the Cochamó commune, to protect the scenic beauty, biological and cultural diversity, contribute to scientific research and environmental education. We know that nature is vital for the well-being of society, so we promote the good use of resources, the restoration of environmental values and the protection of places of high ecosystemic value.

Huemul Conservation ProjectWater Reserve for Nature and Man, Conservation Program.

Responsible development

We seek to increase the territorial value of the commune of Cochamó through the conservation of its natural attributes and the planned and responsible social development. We seek to promote an image of responsible tourism destination, hand in hand with the care of nature that supports local micro-entrepreneurs engaged in low-scale economic activities, for example, organic agriculture, sustainable harvesting of morchela, handicrafts, beekeeping, special interest tourism.

Protection of the territory

Through the technical and legal area we defend the territory and its community from projects that affect the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage, the landscape and the responsible and integral development of its community.

Social Empowerment

We seek to facilitate the necessary tools to articulate social instances to achieve the empowerment of their communities, seeking to preserve and strengthen the culture and local traditions.

Participation in the articulation of a human group of tour operators and friends of the Cochamó Valley, participation in the group Defensores del río Puelo (Defenders of the Puelo River).

More about us
